I hope you’ve had a wonderful Easter weekend, a time where we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In my humble opinion, the resurrection of Jesus Christ represents the greatest turning point ever recorded in history. When Jesus died, it looked like everything was over; Jesus has suffered, been crucified, was dead and buried in the tomb. Everything looked hopeless in the natural. His disciples had deserted him, his own people had rejected and crucified Him, it looked like failure. But in the plan of God … it was all part of the build-up for the greatest turning point in history.

Jesus had committed His life into God’s hands and was faithful to the very end. He had come with the mission to redeem humanity, but He had to go through some terrible things to accomplish His mission. As He walked out God’s plan it seemed like everything just kept getting worse, until He was finally killed and it doesn’t get any worse than that!

And yet, in order to see the great purposes of God accomplished, Jesus had to be willing to go wherever God led. He had to be willing to deny His own will and do the will of God. Sometimes God’s will can lead us to some bleak places, but always remember: if we stay in God’s will, God can and will show up when it’s time for the turning point.

The children of Israel were standing at the edge of the river Jordan: Joshua chapters 3 & 4. They were about to enter into a land where everything would change for them. They had spent forty years wandering in the wilderness and a tough season in their lives was about to end. Now they were walking into a land of plenty. Of course there were giants in the land, but they were reaching a turning point in their lives and today I am believing for a turning point in your life!

Sometimes life can seem to be going in a direction  we had not planned on, but today I want to encourage you that life is full of seasons. The tide may have been going out for you, but eventually that tide is going to turn. That season is going to end and you are going to walk into a new season, a season of great breakthrough!

Yesterday I spent some time with my family, at the beach and we arrived at low tide. Low tide is a time where everything is exposed, it can look bleak, it can look like things will stay that way forever, but every low tide reaches it’s turning point, the turning of the tide. As the tide goes out in your life and you experience the wilderness seasons of life, you learn some incredibly valuable lessons of which you take  into your new season.

The Bible character, Job, had this kind of experience. God allowed him to be severely tested; the tide went all the way out in his life, he lost his business, his family, his health, everything except his life. But God had a plan to reveal His glory through Job. At low tide, God turned up in a great whirlwind for Job’s life. Things couldn’t get any worse and then suddenly…God showed up!

God had a plan to bring Job closer to Him and to bring even greater blessing in his life. Job got twice as much restored to him as he had before (Job 42:10). He then came into a place of knowing God in a more real way than he ever had before. Sure he went through much distress, but God had a purpose to reveal His glory through Job, and whatever you are going through today remember God has a purpose to reveal His glory through you!

God’s seasons are designed to promote us and prepare us for great things. If you’ve been through many hardships, it’s because God is preparing you for something great! When we go through hard times and seasons of hardship we develop the character which prepares us for the change of season. I believe for some of us we are about to reach a turning point, a time at which everything is going to change.

Things may have been going in a negative direction for you, but at the turning point things just start going in a positive direction. The tide starts coming in! I want to encourage you to continue to be faithful in this season and as you do remain faithful and obedient, things will begin to change. This season you’re in will not last forever.
At the turning points of life the tables turn. Those situations and circumstances that have oppressed you in the past will no longer have a hold on you. God has the ability to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, to anoint your head with oil and cause your cup to overflow (Psalm 23).

I am believing God today, that as you walk into this new place, into this new season, things will begin to work in your favor. Even if the hour is late and it seems like the midnight hour;  like things can’t get any worse, God has the ability to turn the tide in your life. I am believing, standing with you in faith today that you will reach a turning point. God will show up and you will suddenly see miraculous things begin to take place in your life.

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