Let me say at this point that ‘We need to define success in Kingdom terms’. A martyr who dies and receives a martyrs crown is a success in Kingdom terms; maybe not in worldly terms. I know this for sure, that whether we live or die, if we put our trust in Jesus we will always win.
Maybe today you’re having second thoughts about your decision to follow Jesus, maybe you feel the price is too high. I want to encourage you that Jesus will not fail you! Hebrews 10:23 tells us “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
Jesus never fails, sometimes we fail to trust Him. God is looking to us to hold on tight to His promises, to continue to believe He will come through; even when things look impossible. Bill Johnson said “I would rather die in faith, than live in unbelief” and I believe it’s true. It’s so important to stay in a place of faith in Jesus, to keep our eyes fixed on the One who never fails.
I know in my own life, I have experienced many failures. Many times I’ve wondered “God where are you in the midst of all this mess?” But I can honestly say that as I’ve determined to focus on Jesus, even in the toughest times, I have seen Him come through. Sometimes in the eleventh hour or the midnight hour, but He has never failed me.
There are times when it feels like we’re going through hell, but I want to encourage you to keep the right attitude, and as you do, you will come out on fire! Life’s trial’s are designed to make us better, not bitter. So many biblical characters demonstrated trust in God in spite of everything that happened to them and eventually, they came out on top.
In a previous update, I shared the story of Job. Job lost all of his business, his children all died in a fatal accident, he lost his health, he lost everything. Now at this point, he could have been tempted to say, “God has failed me” but he didn’t. He kept the right attitude and he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15).
Eventually, Job had everything restored double and he also had a life changing encounter with God. It might have looked like God had failed him, but as he persevered in faith, Job came out on top. He stayed on the winning side!
Unfortunately, in our Christian circles and western culture, we have developed a Hollywood ‘Happily ever after’ mentality of life. At the first sign of any trouble, we blame God. You know, God gets a lot of blame for bad things. A thousand good things happen and He gets no credit!
God wants to develop a deeper faith within us that says, ‘No matter what, I believe Jesus will come through’. I will come through this firey trial like the three Hebrew children, in Daniel 3, without even the smell of smoke on me!
Today, you may feel like giving up, you may feel like God has abandoned you. I challenge you afresh today to dare to believe God. To dare to trust God anyway. Hebrews 13:5 says “For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” You are loved by God, He has your back and your best interests at heart, continue to put your trust in Him. He will never fail you!
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