The other day I was thinking about the miracle of fingerprints. Police trace crime with fingerprints because each and every one of them out of the possible 6.9 billion that exist on the planet, is unique. What an incredible fact! It’s as we spend time contemplating such things God speaks through them to each and every one of us about His creativity; the careful attention he gave to forming each of our lives. Of course for those who don’t know Him, it provides yet more evidence of His existence!

God made you unique. Not only do you have unique fingerprints, you also have a unique personality and a unique purpose in life. When God made you, He broke the mold. A significant part of our ministry is to see the Church of Jesus Christ ignited with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, the goal is to see the whole world set on fire.

The Bible tells us in Acts 2:4 “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.” There was only one fire that fell from heaven, but as soon as this fire descended to the level of humanity, it separated. This is God’s way of saying that He recognizes that each of us has a different purpose. It’s the same fire with different and unique expressions.

Each of us, as believers, has a portion of the Holy Spirit’s fire assigned to us for a very special purpose. Today, I’m believing God will release a fresh portion of His fire into your life! That the fire of the Holy Spirit will fall from heaven releasing exactly what God has assigned for you. That you will carry the portion of Holy Spirit fire that only YOU can carry.

Jesus said in Acts 1:8 ” But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” There are people out there that only you can reach, for Jesus, with the fire that He has assigned to your life. God calls us to be ourselves and carry our own unique expression of His fire.

All of us are part of a great army and God is sending fresh fire for intercession, for businesspeople, givers, ministers, educators, politicians, and every other sphere of life. As students at Oral Roberts University, they always pointed us to the prophetic word that God had given to Oral when he established the University:

“Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased.”

There are people in various spheres of life that only you can touch with the fire God has assigned to you. The scripture here says “they saw” what seemed to be tongues of fire. When God sets your life on fire others will see it.

Just the other night, I was attending a Church service as a guest. A stranger who had seen me for the first time came up to me and said “I can see the fire of the Holy Spirit all over your life.” I really wasn’t feeling particularly spiritual or even anointed at the time, but God opened that man’s eye’s to see what God has placed on my life.

When Moses saw the burning bush it tells us in Exodus 3:3 he thought “I will go over and see this strange sight – why the bush does not burn up.” This fire caught the attention of Moses. Fire attracts attention. Fire attracts and it spreads, consuming everything in it’s path. God wants His fire on your life so it will be attractive to others and spread to those who encounter it!  

When the fire of the Holy Spirit fell on Peter, he went from being a denier of Jesus to a bold proclaimer of the gospel. The work of the enemy was to destroy Peter, but when the fire fell it fell on that spirit of fear and timidity. Everything holding Peter back from being all God had called him to be was consumed by his portion of fire.

Today, I am believing God’s fire will consuming every bit of the enemy’s hindrance in your life and that it will release you to be all God has called you to be. I’m believing God will transform you into a powerful and bold witness for Jesus! Some of you have been held back far too long and it’s your time for release and breakthrough.

The fire of the Holy Spirit will accelerate and accentuate the very best of everything in your life that God created you to be. Sometimes it’s only as we encounter the fire of the Holy Spirit that we find who God has really called us to be. I encourage you to allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume your life afresh. There is only one you and a fire only you can carry!

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