Revelation 1:12-14 tells us: “When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands. And standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of Man. He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and his voice thundered like mighty ocean waves.”
What a wonderful vision of Jesus the Apostle John had! Many years ago I had a similar vision of Jesus, I remember looking into those eyes of fire and being consumed body and soul with the fire and power of the Holy Spirit. When I launched my ministry a lady who was a recognized and respected prophetic voice in the body of Christ, prophesied that God was consuming me with fire and when he was finished there would be nothing left but the Fire of the Holy Spirit.
What a wonderful experience it has been, being consumed by the fiery presence of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit consumes our lives, God increases and we decrease. (John 3:30) Hebrews 12:29 tells us that “Our God is a consuming fire.” Fire consumes by nature. When Jesus sets his fiery gaze on you and I, it is a life transforming experience!
Matthew 6:22 (Voice translation) says “The eye is the lamp of the body. You draw light into your body through your eyes, and light shines out to the world through your eyes. So if your eye is well and shows you what is true, then your whole body will be filled with light.” Jesus is full of fire and when he looks at you and I, His eyes are like a flame of fire. What is in His soul emanates from his eyes.
That fire in the eyes of Jesus is His passionate love for you and me and it is also His holy hatred for sin. That fire in His eyes releases power for us to be His witnesses, it releases a passion and love for the Kingdom of God. God is looking at His people to ignite them and set them ablaze for His Kingdom purposes.
Habakkuk 1:13 tells us “Your eyes are too pure to see evil, and You cannot look on wickedness.” God does in fact see all the sin in this world but he looks at this world with eyes of fire. God’s desire is to consume the sin and evil in this world and this is what Jesus came to do. Jesus looks at the world with fire in His eyes because it is his sacrifice and suffering which enables all humanity to come by faith into the holy presence of God.
God is a Holy God and the Holy Spirit comes to makes us holy! Today I want to encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to baptize you afresh in His fiery presence. Allow the Holy Spirit to consume your life like a mighty fire. Allow Jesus to come and search your heart and soul with His eyes of fire. I’m telling you today, as you do, you will never be the same again!
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