This is the first of our “Fire on Friday’s” messages. Up until now I have sent you a Word of Encouragement twice a month. We are now changing things up and I want to provide you with a quick, punchy, fiery message every Friday. As an Evangelist my ministry has been punctuated and accelerated by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Just this morning I was telling my lovely wife how an encounter with the fiery Presence of Jesus forever changed and impacted my life. I will be sending you these weekly messages believing that your life will be impacted in a similar way!

What is the Fire of God? I’ve had people tell me they were a little scared or apprehensive when I’ve ministered on this hot topic! But I want to encourage you today that at the heart of the fire of the Holy Spirit is the fierce love of God for you. Deep within the heart of God a fire burns for you and me and today I’m believing God your life will be impacted with this fire. That God’s heart will touch your heart!

Hebrews 12:29 tells us “Our God is a consuming fire.” If you are a child of God, then you can expect the fire of His Presence to impact your life in some way or another. If you are God’s child, you are the child of the all Consuming Fire!

I remember years ago I had been preaching about the fire of God and had some doubts about whether I was on the right track. I wondered whether I had lost balance in the ministry focussing on one area too much. Shortly afterwards I attended a Reinhard Bonnke impartation breakfast. I remember he preached a message that I had preached a couple of weeks earlier almost word for word.

God had given me the exact same message! I felt relieved, it was God encouraging me that if it was OK for the great Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke to preach that kind of message, then it was OK for me to preach that kind of message too!

Today I want to encourage you with this firey thought. God has not forgotten about you! He will set you on fire and ignite you. His fire will accelerate you in every sphere of life. I’m excited to be bringing you these “Fire on Friday’s” messages. I’m just trusting and believing that God will use them to ignite you and inspire you to do greater and greater things for the Kingdom of God!

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