by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
Abraham was the father of our faith and his faith journey was not an easy one. With many biblical characters and particularly Abraham, we see the gritty issues of life being worked out and wrestled with, through a long and sometimes drawn-out process. In the life of...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
I don’t know how much time you’ve spent mountain climbing or scaling cliffs, but I have done a little of that in my time. I have learned that the key to keep from panicking about how far up you are, and how far you might fall, is to stay focussed on what...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
I hope you’ve had a wonderful Easter weekend, a time where we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In my humble opinion, the resurrection of Jesus Christ represents the greatest turning point ever recorded in history. When Jesus died, it looked...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
“Strengthen me, just once more” was the last prayer Samson prayed before he ended his life and won a mighty victory over the enemy. Samson was a lost cause as far as the enemy was concerned, but God had not forgotten him. Today, you may feel like the...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
I want to spend some time today sharing some thoughts on the fire of the Holy Spirit. Nothing gets me more excited about the things of God than preaching on this hot topic! I have probably preached more messages on the fire of the Holy Spirit than any other subject....