by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
Sin is a disease which infects the whole human race and it first entered humanity when the serpent sowed a seed of doubt. In Genesis 3:1 the serpent said “Did God really say ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?'” He went on to say in verse...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
Today, I want to take a moment to consider the issue of what happens at the end of time. I don’t claim to be an end-time theologian or any specialist in this field of study, but I do want to share a few of my thoughts with you on this issue. Much of the teaching...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
When I was a young Christian I quickly worked out that God always wins and the best thing to do was to get on the winning side. If we stick with God we will eventually come out on top. Jesus never fails to come through, it’s just some times we have difficulty...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
In ministry and life I’ve met a few people and I’m sure you have too, who have pushed themselves beyond their limits and burned out. Life has many pressures, expectations, and burdens and sometimes because of our own upbringing and beliefs we can develop a...
by Barry | Jan 3, 2015 | Articles
If you do a study of the origin, nature and scope of sin, you’ll find that there are a number of different theories or theological viewpoints concerning this issue. Some believe that the mother of all sin is unbelief. Others believe it’s the result of...