The prison bars or the stars!

Many times we find ourselves in circumstances not of our choosing and we say ‘God how did I get into this mess?’ ‘You have made all these promises and like Joseph who was thrown into prison, I am so far from what you have promised it seems unfair.’ Paul and Silas...

The broken heart of God

What I’m about to share concerns revival, the lost, repentance and brokenness. For me it represents what revival truly is. It concerns the broken heart of God. God has been leading me for some time to a place of brokenness, weeping, and repentance over many...

Buying gold!

A few years ago in India, I was traveling by taxi from one speaking engagement to another. The taxi driver was complaining about how poor he was; and to be honest with you in material terms, he really was. I asked him if he was a Christian, he told me he was. To...