Are you a “Live wire?”

When I was a child living in New Zealand we would go out to the country and visit friends who had farms. As kids we would love to go exploring everywhere, and there were times when all of sudden we would stop because there would be a wire stretched across the middle...

Are you between a rock and a hard place?

God led Moses and as many as 2 million Israelites out into the wilderness, they had no food or water and no means of sustenance. God did it for His own reasons. It says in Deuteronomy 8:3: “So he humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did...

Double for your trouble!

Today, I would like to encourage you with the thought that ‘God is a God of restoration.’ When God restores, He restores back with double and more than what we have lost. You may have been through some trials and tough times, but God wants to bless you...

Faith that impresses God!

Hebrews 11:6 tells us without faith it’s impossible to please God. And God is not easily impressed. When you have created everything, you ultimately own everything. When you’re all powerful, there’s nothing you cannot do. When you have seen nations...