We have just come back from the most awesome Gospel Event in Teppi, Ethiopia. It was such a wonderful time! The people kept coming in spite of the rain. The organizers estimate 15,000 people attended on the final night. Hundreds made decisions for Christ. For the remainder of this update I want to share some of the wonderful testimonies that took place!
Able to walk after four years!
One lady was crippled. She was carried by her brothers to the meeting. She had been to sixteen different specialists to try and find out what was wrong with her. God miraculously healed her and she was able to walk for the first time in four years! God did what no man could do! As this lady jumped up and down on the platform, the atmosphere was electric! There wasn’t a dry eye in the place!
Man came with a knife
A man came to our first meeting with a knife. He intended to cause disruption and injury to the people gathered there. As he entered the Crusade grounds and felt the awesome presence of God, he surrendered his life to Jesus. He surrendered his knife as well! Teppi is a city with a history of violence and civil unrest. We believe this testimony is evidence that God used this event to confront and remove the spirit of murder and violence. We are trusting God it will continue to have wider implications for the City as a whole.
Insanity healed!
A young woman came to our first service. She had severe mental illness. She described it as insanity or madness. She ran from the first meeting distressed, oppressed and confused. She determined to go to the next meeting and during the mass prayer for the sick, she was overwhelmed with God’s incredible power and she fell to the ground.
As she lay on the ground she saw a vision and a great light from heaven shining down on her. She said she felt all of her dark chains fall off and all the darkness leave. She found she was at peace and in her right mind. Her sanity had been restored by a miracle of God!
Muslim leader makes decision for Christ!
On the final night of the Gospel Event, during the call for salvation, there was a huge roar from the crowd! We didn’t know what it was all about until we saw a well dressed, dignified looking Muslim man making his way to the altar to give his life to Jesus. It turns out this was a well respected Muslim leader! The people couldn’t believe their eyes seeing this man come to Jesus!
Woman with an issue of blood healed!
On the Saturday night meeting I preached on the woman with the issue of blood. It turns out that there was a lady in that meeting who for many years had the same problem. Earlier that day and for the previous few days she had been vomiting as well and the situation had gotten worse. She came to the Crusade believing Jesus for a miracle. She said during the mass prayer for the sick, the vomiting and the bleeding stopped. She didn’t testify that night because she wanted to be sure. She went home and all that night and the following day there was no bleeding or vomiting. She came to the meeting on the final night to share the wonderful miracle God had done!
Two tumors disappear!
An older man came to the meeting and shared how he had two tumors in his stomach. He couldn’t afford the surgery and came to he meeting believing God for a miracle. During the mass prayer for the sick, he felt the tumors dissolve and disappear! God did what no man could do!
City healing
Teppi is a City that has experienced, much civil unrest. I shared in an earlier update how our Crusade Directors had been beaten by City Police as they came to organize this event. The feeling from City Officials and the Local Pastors was that this event brought much healing and life to the City. As we were driving back to the Hotel after the event on the final night, we couldn’t get through! The streets were blocked by hundreds of people dancing and rejoicing in the streets! It was a wonderful thing to behold!
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