In Daniel 3 Jesus, the fourth man stands in the fire waiting, in Matthew 14 Jesus stands on the water waiting. God dwells in the realm of the supernatural, the miraculous and he is like a great faith coach challenging us to do great things. I love how God comes to Abraham at a time when his faith is low and says “look up at the stars and count them. That’s how many descendants you will have!” (Genesis 15:5) Abraham was old, his wife was old, they had no children and yet here was God, encouraging his faith and telling him he would be the father of many nations!
In the ministry of Jesus we see Jesus constantly rebuking the disciples for their lack of faith. His rebukes were intended to spur them on to live a life full of faith in God. Faith is not something we have independent of God, it flows from relationship with God. God comes to us and challenges us to take steps of faith because He wants to demonstrate His power.
The three Hebrew youths could have been consumed by the fire, by they knew their God was able to deliver them. Peter could have drowned in the water and been overcome by the storm, but he could see Jesus standing on the stormy seas. Abraham could have remained childless but he “believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith.” (Genesis 15:6)
God is interested in our faith! He is looking for us to believe the things He has said. When the spies went into the promised land, only those who believed God were allowed to enter in. Those who focussed on the circumstances and the giants in the land were filled with fear instead of filled with faith in God’s ability. God was looking for the spies to believe what he had said.
The first temptation of humanity was centered around Eve and the serpent in the garden. The serpent said to her “Did God say?” (Genesis 3:1) His attack was centered on her faith in what God had said. He wanted to to get her to doubt God’s word and question his motives. He wanted to get her separated from God.
Today I want to encourage you, God is faithful. Stay close to God in prayer. He will keep His promises. He will keep His word. Allow the Spirit of God to speak to your heart today and encourage your faith. Jesus is waiting on the water for you! God has great plans for your life and as you continue to follow Him, He will come through for you.