When Jesus was about to go the Cross, he prayed and said “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42) He was about to bear the punishment for the sin of humanity, and instead of running from God in the anguish of the moment, He surrendered His will to the will of His loving heavenly Father. When he was on the Cross bearing it all he cried out “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).” (Matthew 27:46) In his most difficult, excruciatingly painful moments, Jesus always ran to God. He was a role model for us all.

Relationship with God is the most wonderful thing. Jesus had the most incredible relationship with God the Father. He had been in relationship with Him in eternity past and he wasn’t about to forsake His relationship with God the Father in his darkest hour. Instead of running from God he ran to God.

It can be tempting to run from God when things get difficult. Adam and Eve ran from God after they ate the forbidden fruit of the trees of the knowledge of good and evil. It is inherent in our fallen nature to run from God in difficult moments. We need to make the decision to run to God no matter how difficult life gets. It is in those difficult moments as we run to God our relationship with God goes deeper, it gets stronger, we have the ability to bring comfort to others going through difficult and challenging times.

The enemy is always at work to undermine our relationship with God, we defeat Him when we make the decision to run to God instead of away from God. Sometimes we run from God because we are angry at Him for things that have happened to us in life. We need to be those who pour out our hearts to God and let him know how we feel. When we run to God we give Him the opportunity to move on our behalf.

For many years in my own life I ran from God. My father died suddenly when I was a child and I blamed God for what happened. It was years later when I came back to God in relationship that I realized I could run to God in the midst of my pain and anguish. Today maybe you are going through something and you feel like running from God. I want to encourage you, to run to the arms of your loving Heavenly Father.

God can comfort you and strengthen you more than anyone else in this world. He can make a way for you where there seems to be no way. He can turn things around for you. He’s the God of miracles. Don’t run from God today, run to Him. Your relationship with God is the most important and precious thing you can have in this in this life. Don’t let anyone or anything take it from you!

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