Many of us as result of coming to know Jesus have developed certain convictions in our lives. The way we live our lives flows from our relationship with God and our desire to please Him. Because of our love for Jesus, there are certain things we are comfortable doing and there are certain things we just will not do. God is a holy God and we are called to live lives pleasing to Him! We need to be those who won’t compromise our convictions!
At times we fall short of God’s best for our lives, and there is always God’s grace for that, provided we repent and turn from our sin. We also need to understand and realize that our righteous comes through faith in Christ and His finished work alone; from the fruit of our relationship with Him. However, today I want to talk about standing firm in your faith and your convictions and taking a no compromise approach to life.
The whole book of Daniel has the most amazing stories of young people who refused to deny their faith, to compromise their convictions. Their convictions were severely tested. God will allow situations to arise in our lives which which challenge our resolve to see whether we will obey and be true to God and our convictions even when we are challenged or even threatened. He looks for people who will obey Him no matter how difficult things get!
Daniel was thrown into a den of lions because he refused to compromise his faith. He put God and His Word first in his life. (Daniel 6) He refused to bow down to the golden idol that had been set up by the King and he chose to continue to pray to and bow down to no one else but the true and living God. He knew he risked death if he was caught, but He chose to obey God in spite of the godless culture he found himself immersed in.
Faced with a den of hungry lions, staring at you, thinking you look good for their next meal, what would you do? I know I wouldn’t want to be in that situation. Everything inside me would have been screaming ‘let me out of here!’ And yet Daniel had his eyes on God. God had shown him that He had sent an angel to close the mouth of those lions. (Daniel 6:22) When you focus on the invisible, you will see the impossible take place!
God doesn’t promise to deliver us from every situation, but He does promise to be with us, to never leave us or forsake us. He prepares a table before us in the Presence of our our enemies. (Psalm 23) Daniel went through an incredible trial and yet God showed Himself strong in the midst of it all. And today God will show Himself strong for you.
Maybe today you are faced with situations which are testing your resolve and convictions. I know in my own life, I have been tested in so many areas. Will I bless those who curse me? Will I resist that temptation to sin, to do something not pleasing to God? All of us face these challenges sometimes on a daily basis. Today I want to encourage you, remain firm in your convictions, don’t compromise! Stay true to what you know to be true. Continue to trust and obey God, He will be there for you, He will make a way for you.